We are moving!!

March 8, 2011 Leave a comment

http://garyvoysey.ca/ramblings/ is the home of our new site!

Look forward to seeing you there!!

Categories: train ride

I made it! The Fed and The Gunslinger

March 7, 2011 2 comments
Description: Newspaper clipping USA, Woodrow W...

Image via Wikipedia

That was a rough night. After my post about the Fed, weird, strange things began to happen. (Well, not to me personally, but I am sure that weird things did begin to happen to some people yesterday. Coincidence? You be the judge of that)

I really need to ramble today. A lot of things that are going on, but I need a free space. It’s okay if you ignore this post dear reader, verbal diarrhea of sorts for this Monday edition. Sometimes it clears my head, just to think and spew whatever comes to mind.

Great ideas form capitalists. More money for less. The recession is only beginning, south of the 49th. But, now you can get a super deal on a mattress. This is the hottest trending topic on Google right now. A Groupon for the Mattress Firm.

People are not looking up what is Obama doing, or Gaddafi. No, they are looking up this sale at mattress Firm. See, I already have given them plenty of free advertising without spending a cent at Groupon.

So who is outh there that is a gunslinger? A last gunslinger? Anyone? Is there anyone out there besuides Chuck Norris who is civilizations last bastion of hope?  (Vote here)

I think the last two were Ronald Reagan and yes, JFK. Twoi separate sides of the aisle, but both, very much true gunslingers, protecting Dodge.

Who protects Dodge now? China has robbed your banks. India, your jobs. Eurpoe has robbed you of your dignity.

Anyone know Mark Bennett?

March 6, 2011 Leave a comment
Saskatoon skyline at night

Image via Wikipedia

It has been 22 years since I saw him sitting against my wall, in my unfurnsihed apartment.

We were good friends, but the then of my life, was not so friendly. Heck, the when of my life wasn’t so friendly either.

If you know him, tell him the one who gave him the scar and fell out of his car says hello. Tell him to”‘look at me, Jimmy C’ and tell him to drop a line here at garyrambles.

Sometimes the old saying of you can never go home is true , but we still fight our way, trying.

5 things the Government DOES NOT want you to know!

March 6, 2011 2 comments
Annuit Cœptis

Image by Nick Humphries via Flickr

Since Roswell, the government (US) has been keeping little secrets here and there over the years. Area 51, The truth of the Bermuda Triangle, Ark of the Covenant etc.

Since Project Blue book closed down, we haven’t heard of any juicy secrets that the government doesn’t want us to know. Until now.

So here is a look at them and if you don’t see a fresh post by me on Monday, then I have been silenced dear readers.

  1. Taxation. We are led to believe that taxes go to paying for government expenditures, infrastructure and some foreign aide projects. Not so says an inside top bureaucrat. ” Actually, your taxes go to China and they do not pass go! We owe China so much money that we do not have a snowball chance in hell of every paying them back.”

According to Ron Paul, a member of the house banking committee, we owe Chinaabout 2 & 1/2 trillion American dollars.

China gets American dollars when they sell us stuff made in China. Instead of sitting on the dollars they buy American interest bearing Treasury Bills & Treasury Bonds, which would have different maturity dates. These Gvt. issues can also be rolled over when the maturity date arrives.

It’s a distinct possibility that it may never be paid off or paid back because the numbers are so high. (Emphasis mine)

These American dollar debt obligations can be sold or traded by China at any time provided a buyer is found.

If the Fed is ordered by Congress to buy them back, it would probably be at a very deeply discounted price, which would show the worlds bankers exactly how unsound dollars have become.
If the Fed buys huge amounts of Treasury debt, it can be assumed the national debt {about 9 trillion dollars} would be owed to the Fed, which apparently is owned by the wealthiest bankers in the world, not the American people.

Now do you see why Ron Paul wants to abolish the Fed?

2. John Kerry is a Soviet spy. Unfortunately, there is no proof on paper of this , but I have seen The Manchurian Candidate so, there you go.

3. The Fed is an unconstitutional institution.  And yes dear readers, there is proof. Watch this little video. I am not sure why people are not actively taking to the streets and protesting this alone. it is bad enough that we are all spiraling out of debt, but the fact that the Fed is making more money of of you than is allowed for by the Constitution?  Write your local congressman today and END THE FED!

4. Michael Ignatieff in Canada is actually a pod person sent by the American government to infiltrate Canadian politics with blandness. Not sure if you noticed, but Canadian politics and history, have always been bland, other than WWI and WWII where we kicked serious ass. Then we became tepid tea drinkers afraid to offend anyone, or anything.

And the top thing that the government does NOT WANT YOU to know about is that, yes,American Idol really has sucked since Simon Cowell ( a Brit) left the show. People want to see tears and ridicule. If they want talent, they will put on a Beatles, Led Zep, Pink Floyd or Stones album. Talented musicians last made a guest appearancee with Blind Mellon and Shannon Hoon.


5 top reasons why Gaddafi Wants to Remain in Power. March 5,2011

March 5, 2011 Leave a comment
7/52 : Faux prétexte - False pretext

Image by Eric Constantineau - http://www.ericconstantineau.com via Flickr

It stops being funny when it starts being you. Saddam was stopped for having imaginary weapons of mass destruction. Gaddafi remains in power and is doing everything to remain in power, even though he has billions of dollars stored away in foreign bank accounts. Why doesn’t he just leave?

Qaddafi’s Militia Storms Key Town Controlled by Rebels – NYTimes.com.

  1. Gaddafi believes he is the last true leader in the Middle East. He does see that the latest protests have been orchetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Thousands of Jordanians left noon prayers to join in peaceful protests in Amman, as the opposition continued to up its demands for political reform. The Muslim Brotherhood, which organized the protest, said that 15,000 people had participated, but the police put the number at 5,000.~ NY Times

2. Gaddafi is trying not to be out done by Charlie Sheen as the “most insane man on the planet.”

3. Colonel Gaddafi, or simply, the “Colonel” as he is called by friends,is trying to bring the Libyan people into the 15th century. As a result, some fundamentalists, IE, the Muslim Brotherhood, think that this is blasphemy. They are urging a call to arms against the tyrannanic rule of gaddafi and his boys.

‘Call to arms’

Tony Birtley, Al Jazeera’s correspondent reporting from Benghazi, said that resistance to Gadaffi’s rule was strengthening.

“I think they’re coming to the realisation that the outcome is in their own hands. They did think that Gaddafi would leave peacefully, they then thought that the international community would take steps and force him out,” he said.

“I think the pendulum has swung now and they believe it is in their own hands.

“They are answering the call to arms, they are coming from all over eastern Libya, bringing their weapons, getting whatever training they can and moving on.” ~ Al Jazeera

4.  Now that he is entering his “senior” years, the Colonel  wants to get a chance to use his 15% off Seniors Day Card at the local drugstore.

5.  My top reason for Gaddafi wanting to stay in power: Where else can he wear what he wears without getting laughed at? Seriously, He looks like a cheap  Maitre d in a third rate hotel in a third world country.

Your table is ready!

5 reasons to keep Charlie Sheen on TV

March 3, 2011 Leave a comment
The Boys Next Door (1985 film)

Image via Wikipedia

This guy has been making a lot of news/noise lately. I have pretty well relegated him to the has-been department, but then I felt that he deserved a deeper look. I was suprised myself about why we should keep Charlie Sheen on television, in particular, Two and a Half Men.

  1. I think he really needs the cash. All of the porn stars and the equipment one must need to keep them going..I found proof of this here. Don’t believe that this was done for free. Charlie doesn’t do anything for free.
  2. Charlie Sheen is a hold over from the old days (mid ’80s. Platoon, Boys Next Door) If he falls out of the limelight, we will have to turn again to LiLo, Miley and a host of other talentless hacks.  Has anyone seen Pauly Shore?
  3. Charlie Sheen is a nut. But I like him. He reminds me of Dennis Hopper in Apocalypse Now, which gets me thinking that this latest outburst by Charlie is a planned and coordinated effort. If in doubt, look no further than Joaquin Phoenix.
  4. Sexist pigs of the world would lose a valuable role model. Of course, they could follow this guy.
  5. My top reason for why Charlie should remain on television is what would Jon Croyer do for a living? Has he even done anything since he was “Ducky?”

Anything you can add?

5 Tips for the Middle East and Sesame Street

March 2, 2011 Leave a comment
I have been writing a lot about the Middle East lately, and haven’t offered any constructive solutions. Today, I do. Enjoy my 5 Tips for the Middle East and Sesame Street!

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  1. Get rid of Elmo.After all, his cuteness is too sugary and gets the heart beating faster, like a saccharine overload, that kid’s gotta go.
  2. Have Gaddafi , Ahmadinejad and all comers get into a ring and duke it out for Allah. Whoever wins, they can set up their own little world with no help, no interference and no benefiting from the West.
  3. Give the Middle East Richard Simmons. Lord knows they could all use a little more, er… flamboyancy.
  4. Give them Might Putty. Is there anything that stuff can’t fix?
  5. Close your eyes and don’t give them any attention at all. It is the same lesson for little kids. Make a lot of noise, want attention, but when they don’t get it, they go play quietly in their rooms.

What do you think readers? Can I table this at the UN? Have more to add? Post your thoughts below!

WINNING! Go Charlie

March 2, 2011 Leave a comment

WINNING! Go Charlie (; – – Top Blog on Twitter Huffington Post, TechCrunch, Engadget, and more – Twittorati.

Yeah Charlie, it looks on paper now, but what happens when the money runs out? Don’t think she will be around. or maybe it is the love you have always looked for…Not!!

Categories: Nonsense Tags:

Patients treated at Tim Hortons due to overcrowded ER – News1130

March 1, 2011 1 comment
A winning Tim Hortons Roll up the Rim to Win cup

Image via Wikipedia

Patients treated at Tim Hortons due to overcrowded ER – News1130.

Dear readers south of the border.

Our health care is alwayds being comared to yours and what a model system our “universal” health care is. Even your President, Obama has looked at “health care for everyone.”

While your insurance companies may be gouging you for various treatments here and there, at least, at the very least, you don’t have to have surgery while laying beside someone that is munching on a donut. (Tim Horton’s is our version of Dunkin’ Donuts)

To Canadian readers that are smug about their healthcare and refuse to look at a tiered system:


Categories: News

Get Off the Bus!

March 1, 2011 Leave a comment
081117-N-1082Z-040 INDIAN OCEAN (Nov. 17, 2008...

Image via Wikipedia

Pirates in the Caribbean, not just a movie. Another group of pirates (Muslim Somalis) taking hostages in the Indian Ocean. CNN has the story, but I wonder if they will exclude any relevant facts like they did when the 4 Americans were kliled by Somali pirates.  In that story, the world media outlets neglected to tell the reason why those 4 Americans were in these troubled waters..

They were Christians, handing out Bibles. Do you think that is what got them killed? Dollars to donuts, I’d say yes.

Now it is early in this particular story, but as I read any major news outlet version of the story, I am left wondering what they have left out. Now, I am not saying that the media might be biased, or afraid to call a spade a spade, (snicker,snicker) but it be in all of our best interests if we stopped taking what they were giving us at face value.

Like the American government saying “No more taxes”, or “There were no arms deals to the Contras” (Remember those fairy tales and other lies your step mother told you?) We are being herded like sheep to a cattle car. Slightly nervous about why we are being rounded up, but not terribly afraid as everyone seems to be going along with it, and the media and the government is after all, telling us it is for our own good.

Ollie North! Come back! We need you!